Readers, meet my pet, Elmer:

First there were five, then there was one. Elmer’s fellow fish have long since passed on, and we thought it was about time we moved Elmer out of the big lonely fish tank into a smaller, cozier home. It’s taking him some time to adjust. The second day he was in his new home, I came home and bent down next to the fish bowl to say hello. It scared the bejeebees out of him and he had such a fit that he swam and hit the fishbowl…500 times. Weak heart. Poor thing.
I spent today cleaning out his fish tank, after weeks of putting it off because of school and work. After 3 hours on my knees, scrubbing his tank, plants, and castle, rinsing off a billion little blue rocks, and after many trips to the yard to dump the filthy water, the tank is at last clean and stored away. In the middle of cleaning, I took a short intermission for lunch and made this:
This is a pot of noodles with seaweed and fish cake, with a dash of spice and some Knorr Chicken powdery flavor thing. And yes, I finished cooking it and ate it straight from the pot, with the large 14 inch cooking chopsticks that I used to make it too!
I did feel a bit weird eating fish cake when I was cleaning up stuff for my pet fish, but watching Giada De Laurentiis cooking on her show, Giada at Home, took my mind right off of it. I love watching cooking shows. Their kitchens are always so neat, perfect, and pretty that it makes you want to start cooking too.
Hope you all had a good start to your week! Now that I’m off from school, Mondays aren’t so dreary anymore =)