**This post is part of a series. See the first post here, and the final results here.
As I mentioned in my last post, I recently started a new home project: to redecorate my desk to give it a more personal feel, so that I’ll actually want to sit down and use my desk. Right now, my desk organization is nothing special, so I usually find it more comfortable to spread my laptop and books out on my bed and study there instead.
So the first thing I wanted to tackle were the cords hanging around my desk – those of my lamp and land-line phone. I have my lamp and phone on the desk hutch, and the cords dangle down the back of the desk very unattractively. Since these are items I use, unfortunately I couldn’t just trash the whole contraption like I wanted to. I was browsing around the internet for inspiration and came across this:

I figured that instead of making a vase of cranes, I could make a few cranes, string them, and have them hang along the cords.
I strung the paper cranes on a string and attached it to the black cord on the right first. Then I took the yellow cord and twisted it around the black cord, crossing the two cords in between every crane. The last two pictures were what I had in mind, but I also like the idea of keeping the cords separated and having a string of cranes on each cord (kind of like in the third to last picture).
Stay tuned for the rest of the redo. Thanks for reading!
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