
Petite Fashion & Lifestyle

What I Wore | Corn Maze & Pumpkin Picking

Corn maze and pumpkin picking farm stand

Pumpkin picking is such a quintessential fall activity, and yet I’ve never been. I’ve been strawberry picking in the summer and apple picking in the fall, but never pumpkin picking. We were looking for places to go apple picking with my family this year, which we ended up having to miss, and came across some suggestions for corn mazes and pumpkin picking. We loved the idea, and bookmarked it for another weekend. Last weekend, some of our friends were free and the weather was nice, so we figured it was the weekend to go. I wanted to share some pictures from the day, and tips on what to expect and what to wear to a corn maze and pumpkin picking. So let’s get into it!

What to Expect

Hayride to corn maze and pumpkin picking

We had looked into a couple farms for our outing, and they all seemed to start with a hayride that you had to take to the corn maze and pumpkin patch. I say “had” because it wasn’t optional – they all said it was the only way to the maze and patch. To be honest, the hayride was a bit underwhelming. It just felt like transportation to get from point A to point B, where the seats happened to be haystacks, but nothing more. Was it cute? Sure. Was it something I’d pay to do, if I had the option? Hm…probably not.

Corn maze and pumpkin picking farm stand
Corn maze and pumpkin picking farm stand

Moving onto the corn maze and pumpkin patch! We went on a sunny day, so the fields were dry, but it can be muddy if it recently rained, which is something to keep in mind. (Keep reading to see what I wore on our outing!)

You pick your pumpkins, then pay for them by weight on your way out. The farm we went to also sold different varieties of pumpkins and squashes (and cider donuts!) at their farm stand at the entrance. My husband suggested we pick a small pumpkin from the field for fun, but wait to buy any big pumpkins from the stand, since there were more varieties there. This seemed like a good idea, and I’d probably suggest that if your farm has a similar setup. I ended up picking a small pumpkin from the field, and buying a larger pumpkin and a miniature pumpkin (neither of which were available in the field) from the stand because I wanted to decorate with them as a trio.

Corn maze
Pumpkin patch
Cider donuts

Every place is going to have its own little differences, but these were just some thoughts I wanted to share in case it applies to where you’re going.

What I Wore

Brown sweater with orange, brown, and gray scarf
Brown sweater with orange, brown, and gray scarf, black leggings, and black rubber boots

Since corn mazes and pumpkin patches scream fall festivities, I wanted to wear something that would match the mood. The weather was cool, but not freezing, so I opted for a camel brown sweater with an orange, brown, and gray scarf for added interest. I didn’t know how muddy it would be, so I wore black leggings and rubber boots to be safe. It turned out the field wasn’t muddy at all, but my boots were covered in dirt by the end, so I think rubber boots are still a good choice even on a sunny day.

I hope you enjoyed seeing pictures and hearing about the farm, which was so beautiful, autumnal, and festive. I can’t believe I’ve never been pumpkin picking before, but we had a wonderful time, and I’m looking forward to doing it again next year.

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