It’s remarkable how quickly we can adapt to change sometimes and how easily we can forget how things once were.
It was a particularly busy week at work for me two weeks ago. I worked overtime every day Monday through Friday, then volunteered to help out for a few hours on Saturday since there was still so much to do for the weekend crew.
It kind of sucked.
The thing is though – I work a desk job now…from home. But not that long ago, I was commuting up to 1.5 hours to work at times, working on my feet for 12 hours at a time. Sometimes we’d have short shifts, like on a Monday if we worked the whole weekend. But on those short days, I’d get paid for 3 then stay an extra 8 just to help the incoming staff.
How quickly I forgot how much that sucked in comparison.
Don’t get me wrong – I’ll never completely forget it.
Believe me. It’s burned into my memory.
But I don’t actively think about it either. So on the worst days now, I forget that relatively, it’s not that bad.
Snowy Day Outfit
Anyhow, after a long week, I was ready to shut off for the weekend. Since I worked extra on Saturday and didn’t log off until around 1:30 PM, my husband I just relaxed at home for the second half of the day.
On Sunday, we went out for our weekly lunch date and to run some errands. Since there was a little bit of snow on the ground, I wore my leopard rain boots, which was also the perfect opportunity to wear some new things I got for Christmas!

The sweater I wore in this post here is my go-to sweater when I have to wear rain boots, especially these leopard boots and my yellow Hunter boots – because what else is going to go with leopard and yellow? I mean…technically…there are other colors that go with leopard and yellow, but cream goes with both, so it’s just so much easier to designate this one cream sweater as my go-to for my rainy/snowy day outfit.
HOWEVER. I’ve had this sweater since college, so it’s almost 10 years old! So this Christmas, I decided it was finally time for an upgrade, and asked for this graphic – but still mostly cream and neutral – sweatshirt (wearing size XXS/XS). My sister bought me the sweatshirt and my husband bought me some beige mittens, which all paired swimmingly with the olive green jacket I wore over top.

Lunch Date and a New Book
We went to an asian restaurant where we got rice with chicken teriyaki for me, ramen for my husband, and fried oysters to share (see slide 4 of my Instagram post below!).
While we were out, we also went to the UPS store to do a return and to do our grocery shopping for the week before heading home. Later in the evening, I sat down and tried to read a few more pages of my new book, “Thirty Three Teeth,” by Colin Cotterill.

Back in the stone age, when people still went to the library, I went and borrowed the seventh book in the series, not realizing it was part of a series. I really enjoyed the book and ended up buying the first book when I realized it was a series. It’s been a while since then, and I’ve been talking about wanting to read the second book, so my husband bought it for me for Christmas!
And so that was my week two weeks ago! If you read through all that rambling, I’m both impressed and grateful.
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