
Petite Fashion & Lifestyle

5 Tips for Buying Souvenir Clothing

I love souvenir shopping. It’s up there on my list of my favorite things about any trip. It combines my love of shopping with the want to bring all the happy memories home with me.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize that a lot of souvenirs lose their appeal and purpose once I’m back home. In the moment, standing in the middle of a gift shop, I’m buzzed. I’m thinking, “gasp! Look at this! Oh I love this! Oh, this is so cute!” Once I get home, I realize, “Hm…I already have four other keychains I don’t use…when am I going to wear this bright orange Reeses t-shirt – I bought that one on a trip to Hershey Park, PA 😉 “

On our most recent trip to Universal Studios, FL, I was completely enamored by everything and anything in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I can’t tell you how tempted I was to take the entire store home with me. But this time, I was going to be different. I was going to sensible. I was going to be practical. What was I realistically going to wear or use once I got back home?

Although I’m hesitant nowadays to purchase souvenir clothing, when I saw these Weasley sweaters hanging in the shop, I knew that I would get a lot of wear out of them. I splurged on a navy blue one in a relaxed fit, and I’ve already worn it several times since I’ve been home.

So here are my 5 tips for buying souvenir clothing:

1) It needs to fit with your current style.

2) It needs to be practical for your lifestyle.

3) It needs to go with multiple pieces in your closet.

4) You would wear it outside the house.

5) You wouldn’t be embarrassed to be seen in it.

Most days in the colder months, when I’m not working, you’ll find me in leggings; a relaxed fit sweater or sweatshirt; and TOMs, flats, or boots. Most of my sweatshirts and sweaters in the winter are either gray or navy blue.

Sizing & Fit: These were available in adult and kid sizes. I purchased the smallest adult size, which I believe was an XS. I also tried on a kid size (I think I tried size L?), but it was a more fitted fit, and oversized sweaters are more in line with my style. The sleeves on the kids’ size was also a tad shorter (wrist length), and I prefer my sleeves to cover my hands a bit.

Along the same lines, I was originally drawn to a different necklace, but after mulling it over, I realized I wouldn’t have realistically worn it once I got home. We kept moving on to other gift shops, until I spotted this dainty little snitch necklace. And just like the sweater, I knew I would get a lot of use out of this necklace. And it’s true! I’ve worn this necklace multiple times since I’ve been home, not only with this sweater, but also with other casual and work outfits (see how I styled it with a work outfit here).

What do you like to buy for souvenirs when you’re on vacation? Have you ever struggled with buyer’s remorse once you’re back home? Let me know in the comments down below!

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Thanks for reading!

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