
Petite Fashion & Lifestyle

Life Ramblings | Adopting Cats, COVID Vaccines, etc.

Express Top (old, similar), Naturalizer Loafers

I’m two and half months away from my 29th birthday, and I’m not sure when there will be babies. Some people know from early on that they want to be parents, while others know they don’t. And then there’s me – in limbo, thinking it’ll probably happen in the near future, but also thinking I’m not ready right now. What I (or rather, I should say we, because it’s not just my decision) am ready for, is a cat.

I’ve always been deathly afraid of all living creatures. I’ve heard that if you don’t grow up with pets, you’re more likely to be afraid of animals. Is that true? Because that would explain A LOT. I didn’t have any pets growing up, but what I did have were big, scary neighborhood dogs that barked and jumped at me as I walked home from the bus stop. It wasn’t until my sister adopted three of the world’s cutest cats that I started to feel more at ease around animals. And who knows, maybe I’m feeling more maternal as I get older too.

So we started submitting applications to a couple animal shelters. In the meantime, we took a trip to Target and bought some of the basics – food, food and water bowls, litter, a litter box, and some toys. We realized we forgot to buy a cat carrier, so that’s now en route. We’re still waiting to hear back from the shelters, but it’s so hard to be patient! We’re ready to be pet parents!

In a year or two, we might be ready to be human parents too. Right now, with both of us working hectic jobs, long days, and opposite schedules, our lives are a little too chaotic for babies. My work is about to become exponentially more hectic with the upcoming COVID vaccines. I work in healthcare, and the uptick in flu vaccinations this year means there aren’t enough hours in the day for me to do much else other than stick people with a needle. As we prepare to add COVID vaccines to our repertoire, I anticipate a lot more busy days and long days. Somehow, I need to find more work-life balance so that we can move onto the next phase of our lives.

That’s all the ramblings for today!

. . . .

Thanks for reading!

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