
Petite Fashion & Lifestyle

Unorthodox: NYC Smooth Skin Bronzing Face Powder in Sunny

I’m jumping on the NYC bronzer bandwagon.  Weeeeee!!

Let me preface this post by saying that I’ve never used bronzer before.  I didn’t know what it was for, and I didn’t know where to put it, but I heard a handful of my favorite vloggers talking about it, and so I bought it.  Oh how easily I am influenced.

I should also preface this post by saying that I probably don’t use bronzer for the same reason that other people use bronzer, which I assume is to achieve a natural suntanned complexion.  I personally prefer a bright and pale complexion over a tanned complexion, and I find that if I use bronzer lightly around the rim of my face, it helps to brighten up the rest my face.  So onto the products:

All the vloggers I follow were talking about the same bronzer – NYC bronzer in the shade “Sunny.”  It’s gotta be good if everyone is raving about the same exact bronzer, in the same exact shade, right?  Plus, it was from the drugstore, so it was only…$3ish?

I’m liking it so far, although to be honest I don’t really have anything to compare it to, as I’ve never used bronzer before.  I start at the top of my forehead, and work my way down the rim of my face, along my hairline, until I reach my cheeks, at which point I sweep it under my cheekbones instead of continuing down the rim of my face.  I personally like to brush it in swirling motions, blending it into my hairline.

At first, I couldn’t tell if the bronzer was making a difference because I was applying it lightly and trying not to overdo it.  When I saw my boyfriend, he said,”you look different.”  I asked, “how?”  He said, “I don’t know…you look brighter.”  =D  Bingo.

I’ve heard that makeup brushes are something you should splurge on when deciding what to splurge on and what to buy at the drugstore.  I was almost going to heed that advice, and I even perused the copious amounts of brushes on display at Sephora, until I realized that I don’t normally wear makeup, so personally for me it didn’t make sense to splurge in this area.  I ended up going to Target and buying this adorable chubby little brush simply because it said “bronzer brush” on the box.  A couple dollars at Target vs. $20 at Sephora?  Much better for me.

0 thoughts on “Unorthodox: NYC Smooth Skin Bronzing Face Powder in Sunny

  1. I love this! I thought it was super interesting and well thought out! I am just starting out on wordpress, and I keep a colloquial blog with ranging themes. I would love if you could take the time to read it! Again, Bravo!

    1. Thank you so much! I would love to check out your blog! I finally have a day off and a little free time today so I will be stopping by shortly! Thanks again!

  2. The target brush looks really soft! Is it from their Up and up line? Unfortunately, the sunny bronzer looks orange on my skintone 🙁 but I like the texture of the powder!

    1. Yes it is from Up & Up! The funny thing is I threw away the box, so I had no idea what the “brand” was, but I’m literally coming back from Target now and I just so happened to see your question while I was standing in the brushes aisle, so I was like let me check and answer her question!

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