I’d like to think that I never care what people think of me, but I’m not gonna lie – it’s a little mortifying getting caught trying on kids’ shoes in a store. While most kids’ clothing and shoes are too…
Remember when I used to take outfit pictures here? I migrated back to my old spot today because it was so cloudy out that the lighting in my new spot was terrible. I was in the middle of doing laundry…
Happy New Year everyone! I don’t know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or to continue holding my breath as I reflect on the past year and look ahead to the future. I’m not one to make new year’s resolutions, and in fact, this year I’m doing the opposite.
Today I’m excited to share with you a new brand I discovered, whose products are very in line with what I’m currently looking to add to my work wardrobe: Betabrand. Betabrand makes yoga dress pants. If you read this old…
Alright, I’ve digested the heaps of food I ate, and I’m ready to chat. I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving, however you were able to spend the day. We gathered at my mom’s house this year, and had a…
One of these years, I’m going to be an organized adult who has my sh*t together enough to have my Christmas shopping done early, and when Black Friday sales are happening so I can save some coins. If you’re one…
I’m two and half months away from my 29th birthday, and I’m not sure when there will be babies. Some people know from early on that they want to be parents, while others know they don’t. And then there’s me…
Guys, this is why I can’t be a professional fashion blogger. It’s rare nowadays for me to place a “big” online shopping order. Yep, four items is a big order for me. With age comes pickiness and frugality, and a…
We had our first snow of the season! Between the past few days being cold and snowy, daylight savings time ending, and working, there haven’t been enough sunny hours in the day to take new outfit pictures for the blog….
Do you spend your work day on your feet? Are you looking for comfortable shoes you can wear throughout the day? Do you have small feet and can’t find comfort shoes in your size? If you’re like me, the answer…