
Petite Fashion & Lifestyle

Can You Wear Yoga Pants as Work Pants?

Can you wear yoga pants as work pants? Can wearing yoga pants as work pants affect your success and productivity at work?

The question of whether or not you can wear yoga pants to work is a loaded question. I’m probably opening myself up to a lot of hate with this blog post. I suppose that comes with the territory.

Can You Wear Yoga Pants as Work Pants?

This answer may annoy many readers, but it really, really, really depends. It depends on where you work, what you do, what is considered acceptable at your workplace, and who you see throughout your work day.

What it boils down to is that yoga pants are not work pants. That opinion is coming from someone who does wear yoga pants to work. When I made the decision to start wearing yoga pants to work, these were all factors I took into consideration.

can you wear yoga pants as work pants

I work in a public-facing job, that’s rather business casual. It’s not a suits type of environment, but jeans are not allowed. Big wigs pop in on occasion, but for the most part, it’s myself and my employees on a day-to-day basis. I’ll wear yoga pants to work, but if I know the big bosses are coming down, or if I have a meeting, I’ll wear more typical office attire.

Can Wearing Yoga Pants to Work Affect Productivity and Success?

Wearing what makes you feel good will affect your productivity and success. If wearing yoga pants makes you feel good, then I’d say yes, it will affect your productivity and success. Some people feel their best in a suit, others may feel their best in a dress. It all comes down to personal preference, and what makes the individual feel the most powerful.

My job keeps me on my feet all day, with lots of running around, and just general chaos. So if I look put together, but I also feel comfortable, then I’m feeling my best. If I’m wearing stretchy yoga pants and a comfortable pair of shoes, look out! It’s also worth noting that if I don’t have to worry about feeling uncomfortable, I can focus that attention on my work instead.

can you wear yoga pants as work pants

Yoga Pants: A Godsend for Petite Women

FunSizeFit is all about petite fashion, so I couldn’t finish this blog post without mentioning it! Work pants have always been the bane of my existence, ever since I started as a wee intern 8 years ago and needed real work clothes. There’s a cliche about women crying in the fitting room over jeans not fitting. For me, the frustration wasn’t from jeans, it was from work pants.

There are so many measurements that need to fit with pants – the waist, hips, and length – and they never do. After paying for the pants, my heart would ache as I handed over even more money to have the whole thing tailored. But yoga pants were different. They hugged me in all the right places, and if I bought a petite length, they didn’t need a hem.

So What’s the Verdict?

Yoga pants are not work pants, but whether or not you can get away with wearing them as work pants is another question. There’s no black and white, yes or no answer. Make the decision based on what works for you. What makes sense in your work environment? What makes you feel the most confident, powerful, and productive?

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Thanks for reading!

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